The Lord your God is present in all things.
Never doubt Your precepts!
In view of it, accept the given corrections and turn your eyes to Him.
May you ears be ready to understand His words.They will come from the weak and
they will make you strong.
May the name of the Lord be praised for all eternity.
It is in the name of God that men can attain eternal life.
Do not be ashamed to be dependent on the Lord of mercies.
The saints suffered for His name and through His name attained the divine
redemption, and the greatest gift that is your own salvation.
To all who doubt the Name and the graces of the Lord of Harvest it is said:
Take your ways and let them be straight. May you gain the virtue of being with the
Father who created you and the Spirit that comforts you.
Nothing will be lacking to those who love the God of Mercies.
No evil will last longer than necessary for the name of the Lord to be blessed.
The name of the God who won.
The only God who defeated Evil!
May Evil go away from you and that the mercies be infinite.
Thus says the Lord your God.
Who won!
There is no more fear among those who put their faith in Him.
Daily Prophecies for the Modern Men

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