terça-feira, 24 de abril de 2018

A brief consideration about Love

Oftentimes ...
We love because there is convenience in the carnal act of feeling the owner and at the same time property of another human being.
Unconditional love has nothing to do with passions. The unconditional word is described as:
"Which is not subject to (limits), which is not susceptible to external conditions or circumstances, which can not be restricted or limited, unrestricted.

What must be done (obligatorily) in any situations or circumstances: unconditional accomplishment of the task. "
From this art, there is no form, beauty or condition for this kind of love, which we define as "Agape" love.
The confusions between Agape love and Passio love (Eros) can cause moments of doubt for those who are engaged in the absolute search for a blessed life. When we seek refuge in God we naturally aim to nurture a truly loving relationship with the person we choose as a companion.
Agape love, much used by Christians, has a Greek origin and can be defined as the love that gives itself, the love that surrenders. The kind of love we all desire from the person who will live with us as a spouse during our lifetime.
Love Passio (Eros) comes from the Latin which translation would be something like "suffering, to bear", from pati, "to suffer, to bear", from the Greek pathe, "to feel". Over time, however, in the fourteenth century, it came to designate "strong emotion, desire," and later "enthusiasm, great appreciation, predilection." From that derives the word passion.
Two different forms of love with different functions.
Those who follow the Light practice Agape love with their soulmate, even if it is necessary to pass through the Passion.
Any passion, if guided by the Holy Spirit, will become unconditional love.
We should always follow love ...

Even if Passio (the Passion) resembles to something carnal, at the very moment when the light of God reaches our lives, the moment of Enlightenment, the Lord will reveal what corresponds to your spiritual complement (Agape).
At this moment there will be no more search because the certainty will be absolute. Doubts will no longer be part of our lives because we will have confidence in the existence of something more than the carnal love for whom we care about, we will be taken by the Spirit that will bring us conviction that we are following the path of "enlightened love."

segunda-feira, 23 de abril de 2018

Celestial Prophecies: Mercy

Beloved Ones,
Resultado de imagem para Beloved Ones, The Lord your God is present in all things. Never doubt Your precepts! In view of it, accept the given corrections and turn your eyes to Him. May you ears be ready to understand His words.They will come from the weak and they will make you strong.
The Lord your God is present in all things.
Never doubt Your precepts!
In view of it, accept the given corrections and turn your eyes to Him.
May you ears be ready to understand His words.They will come from the weak and
they will make you strong.
May the name of the Lord be praised for all eternity.
It is in the name of God that men can attain eternal life.
Do not be ashamed to be dependent on the Lord of mercies.
The saints suffered for His name and through His name attained the divine
redemption, and the greatest gift that is your own salvation.
To all who doubt the Name and the graces of the Lord of Harvest it is said:
Take your ways and let them be straight. May you gain the virtue of being with the
Father who created you and the Spirit that comforts you.
Resultado de imagem para holy bible Beloved Ones, The Lord your God is present in all things. Never doubt Your precepts! In view of it, accept the given corrections and turn your eyes to Him. May you ears be ready to understand His words.They will come from the weak and they will make you strong.
Nothing will be lacking to those who love the God of Mercies.
No evil will last longer than necessary for the name of the Lord to be blessed.
The name of the God who won.
The only God who defeated Evil!
May Evil go away from you and that the mercies be infinite.
Resultado de imagem para Beloved Ones, The Lord your God is present in all things. Never doubt Your precepts! In view of it, accept the given corrections and turn your eyes to Him. May you ears be ready to understand His words.They will come from the weak and they will make you strong.
Thus says the Lord your God.
Who won!
There is no more fear among those who put their faith in Him.

Daily Prophecies for the Modern Men
Resultado de imagem para Beloved Ones, The Lord your God is present in all things. Never doubt Your precepts! In view of it, accept the given corrections and turn your eyes to Him. May you ears be ready to understand His words.They will come from the weak and they will make you strong.

terça-feira, 17 de abril de 2018

Protection and doubt

Given the daily pressures we have, based on a common life on an ordinary day, we tend to raise doubts about the existence of some protection from a higher dimension.

It is evident that when the difficulties reach high levels, so that things seem never to get better, we tend to be discouraged and to raise questions about whether or not we are under the shelter of heavenly beings.
There is no ease in understanding the workings of a superior, protective and caring universe, it does not seem to work, so does the issue of an inferior, accusing, and destitute universe. When we doubt the existence of the good, it is clear that the existence of evil must be underestimated.

Of course! Whether you like it or not, every religion has a flow chart that involves earthly life and the passage to the ethereal life, with the classification of the level and potential action of the higher power.
The truth of each one is independent of the doctrine, since the difficulty does not differ anyone.
Everyone has difficulties! Although the difficulty of some seems ridiculous for others, it is our duty to respect the correct time of each one. If your difficulty is money, you think that who has money has no difficulty, but there is a whole history of life that can prove that, rich or poor, black or white, men or women, any human being faces the challenge of living a day after another day.
Another truth inherent in human nature is that in life nothing is eternal. If happiness is transitory in life, so is pain. It is a matter of adaptation. It may be harder to understand this when we are experiencing an illness that degrades and causes extreme physical pain, such as cancer. Probably, those who survived a severe cancer pathology had their moments of doubt, but the recovery involved a great deal of faith. In that sense there is not a half possibility. Faith is the only possibility of recovery for those who are in a process of pain. But what kind of faith?
Faith, to simply believe! Not necessarily believing in a material or spiritual God. Believing you will achieve healing.
Whether by treatment, medication, surgical procedure, allied or not to a faith in a well being that can intercede and lead to healing.
Being pain a passing moment, how to explain that some survive to it and others can not overcome it even with all their faith.
Remember that nothing in life is by chance. We are the consequence of our actions combined with the reactions of those around us. It is hard to believe that an innocent may be suffering from an action. A child should not go through a degrading illness that could lead to premature death. But behind all this pain there is a family, a clinical staff, a group of friends ... people who will be affected in some way, who can turn to their faith or even group themselves around hope.
Would that be a justification for such a situation? Perhaps for those who have never had a similar situation, this seems to be something admissible, but for those who have been through it, suffering is never something that is easily accepted.
It is possible that today our situations in life are leading us to doubt the divine presence, however, all suffering is transitory, and if we have enough faith and hope, we will be able to regain our lives in order to accept the things which we can not change.

The True Charity

When we think of charity we soon create scenes such as: distributing food to the poor, donating worn clothes or spreading words of comfort.
Charity is much more than that!
Charity is to see your neighbour with love so that he does not need to appear to be suffering. The charitable person knows the right time to act because the Spirit of God guides them to those who in need.
In a short video, a preacher told the story of the farm rats. They found traps in every corner and went in search of the rest of the animals that lived in the place to help them disarm the traps.

None of the animals wanted to help them because they did not fear traps. When the mistress of the house was injured by one of the mousetraps, she became ill. To feed herself she sacrificed one by one of the animals that refused to help the mice "for they had nothing to do with it."
So is our life.
We can never say that we have nothing to do with the life of a brother, because life is short and the protagonists usually return. We will not always be on the top, but if we cultivate love, charity and respect for our brothers, we will always have help during difficult times.
God gifted us with family and friends so we can learn the value of the human being.
Money is transitory!
Passion is transitory!
Beauty is transitory!
But everything that is planted with love for the benefit of a brother, in an act of charity, will be carried for a lifetime.
Even if the person forgets, God will not forget!
Our mission in this world is to give and receive Agape love. To practice charity and expect the rewards in God.
The God of mercies never fails and always rewards those who know how to love and give themselves unconditionally.
Secret Diary of the Messenger of Truth

sexta-feira, 13 de abril de 2018

Finite beings ... Infinite minds

The mind is something that really intrigues.
The brain itself, with its billions of neurons and synapses expands into a complex and perfect system that can even manage time.
The expansion of the universe and the expansion of the mind are directly proportional according to science.
But we continue to hold limited thoughts to the imaginary space we occupy.
We do not cultivate freedom of thought.
Not the freedom related to the limits of the human being. This, even for a short time, we still seek through attitudes that make us "different" from others but, at some point, equal to our group, in proportion.
I speak of the freedom of thinking without limits,
To create without limits
Of being without limits
To believe without limits ...
That freedom that can materialize the Truth in its purest aspect.
What prevents us from seeing beyond this matter and seeing the infinite?
We were created to contemplate only the obvious. That which does not transpose the rational logic of the palpable or even the principles demonstrated by experimental science.
We are hostages to the logic, beliefs and principles.
Anyone who escapes this process will not fit the order that dominates the mundane life and will be immediately expurgated.
Making us Finite Beings with Infinite Minds
Secret Diary of the Messenger of Truth

quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2018

Your Treasure and your refuse

During the process of Enlightenment we accumulate precious knowledge that will serve our whole existence.

It is a fact that this "baggage" will be available and can be accessed so that we get closer and closer to the Truth.
Nor can we deny that in the process we produce a lot of garbage. Rubbish is accumulated by the corners of our passage through the Earthly sphere.
These mountains of garbage must be cleansed so that we can then attain Enlightenment. Without this process of "cleaning" it is difficult to see the phases that follow to the last step.
In fact it is impossible to climb stairs full of dirt and mess, even if we leave the dirt behind, a dirty ladder does not allow us to return to look for certain "things" or people we left during the climbing process.
The ideal is to do the cleaning while we are still on that step. A significant analogy would be like renting a house and deciding to clean it just a day before moving to some other greater one. Sometimes the accumulation of needless trinkets, however, full of sentimentality, makes us waste a lot of time in order to move to a better place. And what is even worse, it may gather within us the sentimental uselessness we have acquired in the previous stage.
It is worth mentioning that a path free from hindrances gives the enlightened person mobility so that him/her can continue to seek the Truth, since the Truth can also be found distributed, in pieces, along the Journey.
Sometimes these pieces can even get mixed up in the rubbish. In order not to get lost in the search of parts of your Enlightenment, you must know how to differentiate what is necessary (the fruit of Truth) or garbage (the fruit of illusion). Bringing to a more practical side, let us suppose that you, being in the process of Enlightenment, with a great need for reading, cease to be selective with constructive reading (constituent of Truth) and deconstructive reading (constituent of illusion). As enjoyable as it may be, deconstructive reading will affect your perception of the facts.
The confusion is common to the enlightened person after all, there are so many theories, so many that claim they have found the truth, but it is a fact that what comes from the Truth will leave no doubt about the Nature of the higher power.
To the enlightened one it is enough to follow what the Spirit advises to him, for what comes from the Spirit of God, comes from God Himself. When we lose ourselves we do it so by losing our way observing vain theories, based on pieces of the Truth that have been forgotten in the trash of someone else's Journey who has walked through those steps, therefore resulting in sinking more and more into the illusion.


Beware of the excesses ... they are dangerous! Not always what makes you feel good is necessarily the best thing for us.
Great men have been victims of excesses, whether in expenditure, sex, lack, or vice.
Nothing progresses when the balance hangs on the side contrary to virtue.
Counseling is not living...
Each person knows the principles that lead them to fear changes or to make them without question.
Regardless, there is only one point where we recognize that our mistakes outweighed our successes:
Our "rock bottom" ...
A place where no one wants to go but once in a while we're coming back to it.
Unfortunately it is not the nicest place to discover that we have been giving more value to the excesses than to the balance, however, it is a starting point towards the return.
Do not be fooled though!
Not all "bottoms" have springs.
Some have mud, and in the mud, the more you move, the more you get stuck.
As if that were not enough, we will also be surrounded by accusers.
People who have never helped but are willing to point out our shortcomings based on their own shortcomings.
The question we must ask is: When will our actions lead us there?
It's not whether ... or why ... it's something certain.
If you are not in balance you will have to visit this inhospitable place.
perhaps the amount of mud that you left in that place, or even threw it there, thinking that it would not come back, could hinder and delay your return to happiness, which is nothing more than the fruit of balance, between good and bad decisions, good or bad moments .
What then would be the right decisions?
It's a matter of choice!
There is no right or wrong!

Everything is only a consequence of the attitudes we take.
If we insist on tracing new paths on old roads, we will reach the same end.
It's like a game!
We try! We try and try to go a certain way and we end up "dead", thus having to restart that phase.
If this "game" only causes you pleasure during the match and the result of losing it causes frustration ... Why would you continue to play it?
If we do not know how to stop the game at the right time, we will be heading for an addiction.
And there is addiction of all kinds ...
And self-sabotage is one of the most dangerous ...
And painful!


There is a basis for everything that is built in the universe. A fundamental foundation that can not be removed from its ground. Even if we try to understand how it fits into the real illusion of life, we will not succeed, for only those who succeed in subtracting the conscious, the pseudo-real, and the concrete concept, can remove the ''beam'' from the eyes to actually locate themselves within the Truth.

The Truth, as it were, is a total and unimaginable absence of logical and rational concepts; It is impossible to see IT if we are grounded in reason. In order for us to reach the level of truth we must subtract everything that is known for certain, that of what human eyes can see. It is precisely because it is the complete abstraction of the possible that it becomes simple, obvious and easily observed to those who become blind to earthly existence.
Let's say that today you are skeptical about the existence of something that is not visible, measurable or quantifiable. You live based on what you understand as real, concrete and conscious, but there will always be the question of the whys about the cycle between being born and disincarnated. Even if everything works mechanically, at a given moment the questions that encompass the reason for our existence will be of paramount importance in deciding which path to take.
When we begin the search for the Truth based on concrete facts, on what has been said, written or passed by traditions, we end up in a complete confusion.
In the realm of the palpable and the visible everything can be true because each person lives her own truth in a certain time and space.
One can not then say that one's philosophy is truer than the philosophy of another's. At some point everyone is right. For the visible is descriptive, so what is described as real in the Hindu religion is no less real than what is described in the Christian religion.
That is why it is so important to be free of all concepts and mentally clean so that as we become blind we see the pure Truth, the one that will make us leave all worries aside and follow the flow until the cycle is fulfilled.
Those who hold the Truth do not describe it in books. For it would be two words in thousands of blank pages, and each page would confirm that the Creator justified creation through love, so that we too will justify the care of the Creator by exercising love and charity.
The Truth is not magic!

It does not shine ... it does not emit light or sound!
It does not speak incomprehensible languages.
The Creator generated it in a sonic and monocromic way. So that we recognize it at the very moment when we see it and understand it immediately after hearing it.
To those who seek the Truth it is good to know that they will only find it when, instead of looking at the external, the known and the visible, they come to seek it in what is only theirs.